A documentary on the surfers redefining Brazil’s largest favela

Over the years we’ve spent time living in Rocinha, the largest favela in Brazil. During this time, we discovered one of the most cohesive and forward thinking communities the world has to offer. One thing we beleive to be driving this, is a group of surfers providing free surf lessons to childeren in the favela. On top of this, they’re educating them on environmental issues in the community, in hope that this next generation can continue to fight the water pollution that is destroying their local scene.
In 2017, we travelled back to Rocinha to tell their story to the world. To do this, we created a short documentary that showed their beleif in surfing to change lives, despite the threat of local water pollution.
Directed by Sirus F Gahan, with additional Super8 filming by the surfers of Rocinha - this documentary gives a voice to those at the heart of a misunderstood community.
In 2017, we travelled back to Rocinha to tell their story to the world. To do this, we created a short documentary that showed their beleif in surfing to change lives, despite the threat of local water pollution.
Directed by Sirus F Gahan, with additional Super8 filming by the surfers of Rocinha - this documentary gives a voice to those at the heart of a misunderstood community.

Photo - Sirus Gahan