The ADHD Cooking School with Loyle Carner
Loyle Carner is a rapper from South London who has grown up with ADHD, and feels this has been as much a blessing as it has a hinderance in his early life. This in the most part is down to him being able to channel his high level of energy and creativity through a number of outlets. The most obvious being his music, and the most important being food.
From an early age, Loyle found unparalleled pace when cooking. He belevies it can hold the same value to others, who are in a simliar situation to his younger self.
Since 2016, we’ve run Chilli Con Carner - a cooking school for young people with ADHD. To find out how to apply, visit
From an early age, Loyle found unparalleled pace when cooking. He belevies it can hold the same value to others, who are in a simliar situation to his younger self.
Since 2016, we’ve run Chilli Con Carner - a cooking school for young people with ADHD. To find out how to apply, visit

Photo - Vicky Grout
Summer BBQ with Carhartt WIP

Photo - Joseph J Marshall